Traces and Movement (2009) Every heartbeat captured with a fine thin line is-, every nerve impulse scratched across graph paper is-, every rumble of the earth recorded on a silver drum is-, a mark on the page that points to something else. These marks of life, sensation, and liquid fire, are an index of impulses revealing hidden forces to us…The ‹graphic trace› of art is the drawing—the unadorned line scratched into the surface of paper. I would say then that the marks of Aurore Millet’s drawings index the language of the psychical body. This is the writing of the reflex action that is the movement of the psyche. W.E.Newman, St Louis, Mississipi, USA

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Drawings of „Traces and Movement“, view 1
Exhibition of „HAIR“ at the „FREIES MUSEUM BERLIN“, dec. 2009

Drawings of „Traces and Movement“, view 2
Exhibition of „HAIR“ at the „FREIES MUSEUM BERLIN“, dec. 2009

Drawings of „Traces and Movement“, view 3
Exhibition of „HAIR“ at the „FREIES MUSEUM BERLIN“, dec. 2009